If your vocal range WAS predetermined by genetics or your vocal classification, how can this stuff happen all the time in days or even hours? You'll see many more reviews ahead! It's mind-blowing.



I was also tired of pushing, sounding strained, being inconsistent and having voice cracks. Being so aware of the abrupt limit in my vocal range meant constantly feeling defeated: just listening to a song was enough to tell me if it was outside of my range, so I instantly knew I could never sing it. No matter how much I loved the song; I had to give up before even attempting it.

I knew the answer couldn’t be to just give up and accept my “natural voice” and its “limitations”. But it didn’t make sense to keep fighting and pushing against my body either, risking serious vocal damage.
Having tried every vocal exercise and lip trill in existence, I knew the answer had to be somewhere else. It took getting rid of hopeful vocal exercises, lip trills and subjective teachings to finally start looking at the science behind singing. This instantly made everything 100 times easier. Expanding my vocal range became a daily thing and learning new songs became incredibly easy, since I now had a scientific framework to approach any challenges the song had.


I can now sing any of my favorite songs powerfully at all times; all without ever worrying about my voice cracking or letting me down.


Why did they make singing so complicated?

Learn from the only scientific framework for high notes out there.

Such confusing mess. When science has made it INSANELY simple; in a way that no longer could miscommunications occur between teacher and student. The type that waste years!!!

researching the topic
0 years
Years testing the method with singers
singers helped

is it possible to sing "man in the box" live in just 90 days? with this technique, yes!

The secret


Understanding singing in a scientific way changed my voice forever.


I desperately needed a scientific approach to learn to sing higher; cute visualization metaphors and lip trills just weren’t cutting it anymore. I needed a method I could verify in my own experience, step by step, without having to blindly trust anyone’s methodology or vocal scales.


I couldn’t shake off the feeling that something was WRONG with singing instruction if you had to blindly trust you were correctly imitating the teacher. “Are we even singing in the same laryngeal configuration? Well, I have no idea, just try to match my sound or lip trill and hope for the best!” This misunderstanding kills your singing progress, yet it happens all the time because instruction has become too subjective and open to interpretation.


There had to be a way these things could be taught with an objective approach that won’t cause any misunderstandings down the road. So I researched laryngeal mechanisms until I understood EXACTLY how they work and how they can be communicated to singers, who can test the method in their own experience, on the spot. No more blind faith in random vocal exercises required. This scientific understanding instantly clears the way for high notes, so you’ll never have to worry again about lowering the key of your favorite song or your voice unexpectedly cracking.


Mixed voice: examples

More by me! One-take, because that's the whole point of mixed voice! 100% consistent:

No studio editing, no effort (look at my throat), no Melodyne or AutoTune, no nothing. It's silly consistent.

⚠️ If you're on mobile, just tap 'Listen in browser' to play the audio here & immediately and without opening a new tab!


This could be you in, I kid you not, HOURS. Within the first DAY after someone got the course:, I got this message:

What this student couldn't figure out in YEARS of being stuck and wasting hundreds of dollars on courses, fixed within A DAY.
To this day, the most hilarious yet uplifting message I've ever received since creating this framework. So true it hurts. You can read this second message he sent if you keep scrolling, there's plenty of more reviews at the bottom.



I looked for bullet-proof, scientific ways to communicate these mechanisms to singers – in ways that are 100% objective and can be tested on the spot by anyone, so you will FINALLY rest assured you’re on your way to mixed voice and hitting every high note you’d like, at any time, without hesitation. Yes, even the actual scientific studies are cited in my course or my YouTube videos.


Pretty soon you won’t even remember what a voice crack was anymore. Or what struggling to sing felt like.


If you want tips on how to hopefully extend your range by a few notes by practicing scales, changing resonances or opening your mouth a little different, this isn’t the place.


If you want to finally understand the science behind singing and how to quickly master mixed voice so you can sing high notes consistently, then I’m your man.


But get ready, once you truly understand the science behind singing, it all begins to happen VERY FAST:

Got the courses a few days ago!
Few days after buying it!

Join today to sing as high as you want consistently  belting mixing an improved falsetto effortlessly in low volumes in higher volumes with distortion with no distortion IT'S UP TO YOU.
Once you have the correct foundation, you make the calls.

© CS

It's that ridiculous

It's that ridiculous